My artwork is the embodiment of a healing process: a journey of mending metaphoric losses and creating my own shields of protection. My work should remind the audience that one can, through simple crafts such as sewing, needlework and crochet find a meditative process to attain fulfilment and emotional wellbeing. The focus is on the repetitiveness of the process of stitching through kelp. As time passes, the organic material changes in appearance. It is this change that I conceptually articulate by the notion of positive change through healing.

Found doll in seaweed. Pencil, ink , bleach and cotton on Fabriano.

Detail of pencil sketch .

Detail of pencil stippling technique

Detail of pencil stippling during sunset.

Broken doll entangled in seaweed

Pencil detail of cotton blocks on doll head


A mandala of found items. Covered crab paw in cotton yarn.

A mandala of found items. Covered crab paw in cotton yarn.

Cotton yarn, covered crab paw sewn on embroidery cloth

Found crab skeletons on beach

Compilation of crab skeleton paws

Legless skeleton of crab

Mending the sections digitally

Continuous cotton machine stitched drawing on water soluble material

Detail of found objects during my ritual beach walks

Found polluted plastic bottles on beach

Discarded washed-up tyre

Mass of seaweed: I see stings to crochet with!

Detail of Macrocystis angustifolio (bladder kelp)

Painted seaweed pods: Oil on board

Air-drying seaweed strings before I crochet with them

Washed seaweed strings

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